Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 2 developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for the second of two in Intermediate Financial Accounting courses. It presumes that students have already completed the Introductory Financial Accounting, and the first Intermediate Financing Accounting course. The textbook reflects...

Introduction to Financial Accounting is intended for a first course in introductory financial accounting. It has been extensively edited by Athabasca University and reflects current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). A corporate approach is utilized versus beginning with a sole proprietorship emphasis and then converting to a corpo...

This book is intended for an undergraduate or MBA level Financial Accounting course. It covers the standard topics in a standard sequence, utilizing the Socratic method of asking and answering questions....

Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 1 developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for a first course in Intermediate Financial Accounting, and presumes that students have already completed one or two Introductory Financial Accounting courses. The textbook reflects current International Financial Reporting Standard...

This unique open book features a selection of Living Cases on Corporate Governance, which were developed and compiled by chairpersons, members of the board of directors, and CEOs in various countries, working in close collaboration with prominent researchers. Each Living Case addresses a current issue that a given company or institution needs to re...

Statistical studies over the last forty-five years show that, although there are success stories, very many mergers and acquisitions do not result in the increased operating profits that economics textbooks would lead one to expect. As consultancy McKinsey have put it, 'Anyone who has researched merger success rates knows that roughly 70% fail...

This open book is a dynamic guide incorporating the essential skills needed to build a foundation in Financial Analysis. Students and readers will learn how to insightfully read a Financial Statement, utilize key financial ratios in order to derive forward-looking investment-related inferences from the accounting data, engage in elementary forecast...