Computer ScienceScience & MathematicsEconomics & FinanceBusiness & ManagementPolitics & GovernmentHistoryPhilosophy
Azure Serverless Succinctly
Serverless computing can be a powerful, cost-effective solution when your cloud-based apps and services don't need to run 24/7. Best of all, it saves you from the headache of tinkering with server configurations and settings. In Azure Serverless Succinctly, author Sander Rossel provides a clear guide to working with Azure Functions, Logic Apps...
Learning jQuery
jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is an unofficial and free jQuery ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overfl...
Learning Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails (RoR), or Rails, is an open-source popular web application framework. Rails uses Ruby, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a web application that runs on a web server. Rails uses the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and provides a fullstack of libraries from the database all the way to the view. It is an unofficial and free Ruby...
Learning Regular Expressions
A regular expression (regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. It is an unofficial and free Regular Expressions book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning Minecraft Bukkit
Bukkit is a simple API that allows for modifying the normal Minecraft multiplayer experience using plugins. It is an unofficial and free Minecraft Bukkit book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning SAS
SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a statistical software suite for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics. It is an unofficial and free SAS book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is...
Learning Bosun
Bosun is an open-source monitoring and alerting system created by Stack Overflow. It has an expressive domain specific language for evaluating alerts and creating detailed notifications. It also lets you test your alerts against historical data for a faster development experience. It is an unofficial and free Bosun book created for educational p...
Learning HTML5 Canvas
The Canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. Through WebGL it allows 3D shapes and images to be displayed. HTML5 Canvas also helps in making 2D games. It is an unofficial and free HTML5 Canvas book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflo...
Learning .NET EPPlus
EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel files using the Office Open XML format (xlsx). It is an unofficial and free .NET EPPlus book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Languages and Worldview
Asking and answering questions about what culture entails and examines the fundamental properties and intertwining nature of language and culture. This text explores linguistic relativity, lexical differences among languages and intercultural communication, including high and low contexts. Changes to a variety of OER works were made by Manon Allar...
Game Mods
Are games worthy of academic attention? Can they be used effectively in the classroom, in the research laboratory, as an innovative design tool, as a persuasive political weapon? Game Mods: Design Theory and Criticism aims to answer these and more questions. It features chapters by authors chosen from around the world, representing fields as divers...
Engaging Researchers with Data Management
Effective Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research, and its importance is increasingly emphasised by funding bodies, governments, and research institutions around the world. However, many researchers are unfamiliar with RDM best practices, and research support staff are faced with the difficu...
Kubernetes Patterns
The way developers design, build, and run software has changed significantly with the evolution of microservices and containers. These modern architectures use new primitives that require a different set of practices than most developers, tech leads, and architects are accustomed to. With this focused guide, Bilgin Ibryam and Roland Huß from Red H...
Introduction to OKRs
There's no question that the goal-setting methodology OKR (Objectives and Key Results) helps companies achieve substantial goals - just ask Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter - but some organizations have struggled to make it work. This O'Reilly report explains how companies use OKRs to create focus, unity, and velocity within their teams, and...
What's the Future of Work?
What is the future when more and more work can be done by intelligent machines instead of people, or only done by people in partnership with those machines? What happens to workers, and what happens to the companies that depend on their purchasing power? What's the future of business when technology-enabled networks and marketplaces are better...
Migrating to Cloud-Native Application Architectures
Adoption of cloud-native application architectures is helping many organizations transform their IT into a force for true agility in the marketplace. This report defines the unique characteristics of cloud-native application architectures such as microservices and twelve-factor applications. Author Matt Stine also examines the cultural, organiza...
JavaScript for impatient programmers
This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible. Highlights: - Get started quickly, by initially focusing on modern features. - Test-driven exercises and quizzes available for most chapters. - Covers all essential features of JavaScript, up to and including ES2020...
R for Data Science
Learn how to use R to turn raw data into insight, knowledge, and understanding. This book introduces you to R, RStudio, and the tidyverse, a collection of R packages designed to work together to make data science fast, fluent, and fun. Suitable for readers with no previous programming experience, R for Data Science is designed to get you doing data...
Guide to NoSQL with Azure Cosmos DB
Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service included in Azure that is continuously adding new features and has quickly become one of the most innovative services found in Azure, targeting mission-critical applications at a global scale. This book starts off by showing you the main features of Cosmos DB, their supported NoSQL data models and the foundatio...
Rails on Containers
This book is designed to introduce you to using containers and Kubernetes for full-stack development. You'll learn how to develop a full-stack application using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL with Sidekiq, and how to manage them all - first with Docker, then with Docker Compose, and finally with Kubernetes. The topics that it covers include h...
How To Code in Node.js
Node.js is a popular open-source runtime environment that can execute JavaScript outside of the browser. The Node runtime is commonly used for back-end web development, leveraging its asynchronous capabilities to create networking applications and web servers. Node is also a popular choice for building command line tools. In this book, you will ...
Object-oriented Programming in C#
This is a teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#. It is assumed, as a prerequisite, that the readers have some knowledge about imperative programming, preferably knowledge about C. I believe that it is best to learn object-oriented programming after having learned and worked w...
Yapo Saves The Day
Yapo loves to play soccer! But he does not like to pass the ball to his teammates. How will Yapo discover that winning is not only about scoring?...
The Atheist's Bible
'Love is harder to explain than hunger, for a piece of fruit does not feel the desire to be eaten': Denis Diderot's Éléments de physiologie presents a world in flux, turning on the relationship between man, matter and mind. In this late work, Diderot delves playfully into the relationship between bodily sensation, emotion and perce...
Mesoscale Analysis of Hydraulics
This open book presents a series of complicated hydraulic phenomena and related mechanism of high-speed flows in head-head dam. According to the basic hydraulic theory, detailed experiments and numerical simulations, microscopic scale analysis on cavitation bubbles, air bubbles, turbulent eddy vortices and sand grains are examined systemically. The...
Swiss Democracy
This open book provides an updated and fully revised 4th edition of this authoritative analysis of Swiss democracy. It particularly explains the institutions of federalism and consensus government through political power sharing. In this new edition, the authors also address several important changes and challenges that have affected Swiss democrac...
Unsettling Responsibility in Science Education
This open book engages with the response-ability of science education to Indigenous ways-of-living-with-Nature. Higgins deconstructs the ways in which the structures of science education - its concepts, categories, policies, and practices - contribute to the exclusion (or problematic inclusion) of Indigenous science while also shaping its ability r...
Quality Management and Accreditation in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
This open book provides a concise yet comprehensive overview on how to build a quality management program for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and cellular therapy. The text reviews all the essential steps and elements necessary for establishing a quality management program and achieving accreditation in HSCT and cellular therapy. Spe...
Safety for Particle Accelerators
The use of non-standard technologies such as superconductivity, cryogenics and radiofrequency pose challenges for the safe operation of accelerator facilities that cannot be addressed using only best practice from occupational safety in conventional industry. This book introduces readers to different occupational safety issues at accelerator facili...
Familial Feeling
This open book discusses British literature as part of a network of global entangled modernities and shared aesthetic concerns, departing from the retrospective model of a postcolonial "writing back" to the centre. Accordingly, the narrative strategies in the texts of early Black Atlantic authors, like Equiano, Sancho, Wedderburn, and Sea...
Digital Transformation of Learning Organizations
This open volume provides insight into how organizations change through the adoption of digital technologies. Opportunities and challenges for individuals as well as the organization are addressed. It features four major themes: 1. Current research exploring the theoretical underpinnings of digital transformation of organizations. 2. Insights into...
Co-creating Digital Public Services for an Ageing Society
This open book attends to the co-creation of digital public services for ageing societies. Increasingly public services are provided in digital form; their uptake however remains well below expectations. In particular, amongst older adults the need for public services is high, while at the same time the uptake of digital services is lower than the ...

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