Book Description
Maria Stuart, described as Schiller's most perfect play, is a finely balanced, inventive account of the last day of the captive Queen of Scotland, caught up in a great contest for the throne of England after the death of Henry VIII and over the question of England's religious confession. Hope for and doubt about Mary's deliverance grow in the first two acts, given to the Scottish and the English queen respectively, reach crisis at the center of the play, where the two queens meet in a famous scene in a castle park, and die away in acts four and five, as the action advances to its inevitable end. The play is at once classical tragedy of great fineness, costume drama of the highest order - a spectacle on the stage - and one of the great moments in the long tradition of classical rhetoric, as Elizabeth's ministers argue for and against execution of a royal prisoner.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Maria Stuart
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Act One
Chapter 4
Act Two
Chapter 5
Act Three
Chapter 6
Act Four
Chapter 7
Act Five
Chapter 8
Short Life of Mary Stuart
Book Details
Maria Stuart
Open Book Publishers
ISBN13 Digital
ISBN10 Digital
PDF Size
6.2 MB

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