This is one of the first books on a newly emerging field of discrete differential geometry and an excellent way to access this exciting area. It surveys the fascinating connections between discrete models in differential geometry and complex analysis, integrable systems and applications in computer graphics. The authors take a closer look at discre...

Modern appliances are complex machines with processors, operating systems, and application software. While there are books that will tell you how to run Linux on embedded hardware, and books on how to build a Linux application, Linux Appliance Design is the first book to demonstrate how to merge the two and create a Linux appliance. You'll see...

This open handbook, the first of its kind, provides a comprehensive and carefully curated multidisciplinary genre-spanning view of the state of the field of Critical Menstruation Studies, opening up new directions in research and advocacy. It is animated by the central question: "what new lines of inquiry are possible when we center our attent...

As Python continues to grow in popularity, projects are becoming larger and more complex. Many Python developers are taking an interest in high-level software design patterns such as hexagonal/clean architecture, event-driven architecture, and the strategic patterns prescribed by domain-driven design (DDD). But translating those patterns into Pytho...

S-BPM stands for "subject-oriented business process management" and focuses on subjects that represent the entities (people, programs etc.) that are actively engaged in processes. S-BPM has become one of the most widely discussed approaches for process professionals. Its potential particularly lies in the integration of advanced informati...

Discover how graph databases can help you manage and query highly connected data. With this practical book, you'll learn how to design and implement a graph database that brings the power of graphs to bear on a broad range of problem domains. Whether you want to speed up your response to user queries or build a database that can adapt as your ...

Whether you're a business executive or a seasoned developer, something has led you on the quest to learn more about graphs - and what they can do for you.
This ebook will take those new to the world of graphs through the basics of graph technology, including: Using the intuitive Cypher query language; The importance of data relationships; K...

For thousands of years, people have been saying that the world is changing and will never again be the same. Yet the profound changes happening today are different, because they result from a specific technological development.
It is now possible, in principle, to remember everything that anyone says, writes, sings, draws, or photographs. Everythi...

Applied Combinatorics is an open-source book for a course covering the fundamental enumeration techniques (permutations, combinations, subsets, pigeon hole principle), recursion and mathematical induction, more advanced enumeration techniques (inclusion-exclusion, generating functions, recurrence relations, Polyá theory), discrete structures (grap...

This open book shows you how to set up a Raspberry Pi to play classic games, and a whole lot more. Build your own portable console, full-size arcade cabinet, and pinball machine with our step-by-step guides. And learn how to program your own games, using Python and Pygame Zero.
- Set up your Raspberry Pi for retro gaming
- Emulate classic computers...

Crypto 101 is an introductory course on cryptography, freely available for programmers of all ages and skill levels.
Learn how to exploit common cryptographic flaws, armed with nothing but a little time and your favorite programming language.
Forge administrator cookies, recover passwords, and even backdoor your own random number generator....

Cryptography is an indispensable tool used to protect information in computing systems. It is used everywhere and by billions of people worldwide on a daily basis. It is used to protect data at rest and data in motion. Cryptographic systems are an integral part of standard protocols, most notably the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, making ...

Puzzle-based learning is an active learning technique. With code puzzles, you will learn faster, smarter, and better.
Coffee Break Python Slicing is all about growing your Python expertise - one coffee at a time. The focus lies on the important slicing technique to access consecutive data ranges. Understanding slicing thoroughly is crucial for y...

Drawing Futures brings together international designers and artists for speculations in contemporary drawing for art and architecture.
Despite numerous developments in technological manufacture and computational design that provide new grounds for designers, the act of drawing still plays a central role as a vehicle for speculation. There is a r...

A stark departure from traditional philology, What is Authorial Philology? is the first comprehensive treatment of authorial philology as a discipline in its own right. It provides readers with an excellent introduction to the theory and practice of editing 'authorial texts' alongside an exploration of authorial philology in its cultural ...

This stunning 224-page hardback book not only tells the stories of some of the seminal video games of the 1970s and 1980s, but shows you how to create your own games inspired by them using Python and Pygame Zero, following examples programmed by Raspberry Pi founder Eben Upton.
In the first of two volumes, we remake five classic video games - ra...

Defend Dissent is an introduction to cryptography paired with the social impacts of surveillance and the protective potential of encryption, with a focus on US social movements. Each chapter ends with a story that brings social context to the material - from surveillance used against contemporary US protests to the African National Congress's ...

Everyone needs a little cryptology.
The problem with crypto is that it has a reputation of being very hard and mysterious, as well as very easy to get wrong. While there are aspects of crypto that are connected to quite modern and complex theories - such as number theory, an old and deep branch of mathematics; complexity theory, a new(er) and su...