Computer ScienceScience & MathematicsEconomics & FinanceBusiness & ManagementPolitics & GovernmentHistoryPhilosophy
Hanging on to the Edges
What does it mean to be a scientist working today; specifically, a scientist whose subject matter is human life? Scientists often overstate their claim to certainty, sorting the world into categorical distinctions that obstruct rather than clarify its complexities. In this book Daniel Nettle urges the reader to unpick such distinctions - biological...
Patterns for Beginning Programmers
Programming patterns are solutions to problems that require the creation of a small fragment of code that will be part of a larger program. Hence, this book is about teaching you how to write such fragments of code. However, it is not about teaching you the syntax of the statements in the fragments, it assumes that you already know the syntax. Inst...
The Julia Express
Julia is a high-level, dynamic programming language. Its features are well suited for numerical analysis and computational science. Julia works with other languages (C, Python, R, Rust, C++, SQL, JavaScript, ...) The Purpose of this open book is to introduce programmers to the Julia programming by example. This is a simplified exposition of the l...
Chance Encounters
In this rigorous and necessary book, Kristien Hens brings together bioethics and the philosophy of biology to argue that it is ethically necessary for scientific research to include a place for the philosopher. As well as ethical, their role is conceptual: they can improve the quality and coherence of scientific research by ensuring that particular...
Learn Ruby on Rails: Book One
This book contains the background that's missing from other tutorials. Here you'll learn key concepts so you'll have a solid foundation for continued study. Whether you choose to continue with another book in this series, a video course, or a code school, everything will make sense when you start here. You can read this book anywh...
Learn Ruby on Rails: Book Two
In this book, you'll build a working web application so you'll gain hands-on experience. Along the way, you'll practice techniques used by professional Rails developers. And I'll help you understand why Rails is a popular choice for web development. Read Book One to get the big picture that's missing from other tutorials...
Landscapes of Investigation
Creating landscapes of investigation is a primary concern of critical mathematics education. It enables us to organise educational processes so that students and teachers are able to get involved in explorations guided by dialogical interactions. It attempts to address explicit or implicit forms of social injustice by means of mathematics, and also...
Erlang Handbook
Erlang is the result of a project at Ericsson's Computer Science Laboratory to improve the programming of telecommunication applications. A critical requirement was supporting the characteristics of such applications, that include: massive concurrency, fault-tolerance, isolation, dynamic code upgrading at runtime, transactions. Throughout t...
Azure Maps Using Blazor Succinctly
Microsoft Azure Maps is part of Microsoft Azure Cloud Services and provides a wide range of powerful geospatial capabilities and a rich set of REST APIs. It has SDKs for both web and mobile applications. In Azure Maps Using Blazor Succinctly, learn how you can create sophisticated applications with Azure Maps and Syncfusion controls in Blazor. Mich...
ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly
APIs are such a critical part of software that "API-first" has become a popular approach to development, one where the API is designed before the app itself is written. Without a well-designed API, your app is isolated from the greater app ecosystem. In ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss guides you through designing your ow...
Introduction to Systems Biology
This book is an introduction to the language of systems biology, which is spoken among many disciplines, from biology to engineering. Authors Thomas Sauter and Marco Albrecht draw on a multidisciplinary background and evidence-based learning to facilitate the understanding of biochemical networks, metabolic modeling and system dynamics. Their pe...
ASP.NET Core 6 Succinctly
In ASP.NET Core 6 Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss guides web developers through some of the significant performance and feature improvements newly available in ASP.NET Core 6. Learn about the unmissable practicality of Hot Reload, explore super-helpful C# 10 features, pick up the essentials of how to build a minimal API, and discover how and why de...
Under the Hood of .NET Memory Management
This book starts with an introduction to the core concepts of .NET memory management and garbage collection, and then quickly layers on additional details and intricacies. Once you're up to speed, you can dive into the guided troubleshooting tour, and tips for engineering your application to maximise performance. And to finish off, take a look...

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