Book Description
The Tiny Book of Rulesis tiny and it's about the Rules module for Drupal.
Rules is a module usually used to auto-mate actions on your Drupal site. Rules can react on events occurring on your site - such as a user logging in or a node being created - and perform customized follow-up actions such as redirecting to a certain page or setting field values. Optionally, Rules can evaluate conditions before executing any actions.
Rules is also a framework to use by other modules, allowing them to evaluate user-configured Rules components, such as action and condition sets, or expose data about variables and entities to other parts of Drupal.
This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY). You can download The Tiny Book of Rules ebook for free in PDF format (0.3 MB).
Table of Contents
Section 1
This is Rules
Section 2
Using actions
Section 3
Data in Rules
Section 4
Using events
Section 5
Using conditions
Section 6
Lists and loops
Section 7
Section 8
Useful additional modules
Section 9
Debugging Rules configuration
Section 10
Writing conditions
Section 11
Writing actions
Section 12
Declaring and invoking events
Section 13
Invoking components programmatically
Section 14
Extending and altering data types
Section 15
Providing new entities and data types
Book Details
The Tiny Book of Rules
Computer Science
PDF Size
0.3 MB

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