Computer ScienceScience & MathematicsEconomics & FinanceBusiness & ManagementPolitics & GovernmentHistoryPhilosophy
A Rust Sampler
Thread-safe, reliable, and lightning-fast, Rust has been the most loved programming language on Stack Overflow for four years and counting! This open source systems language gets its amazing speed in large part from its memory safety - and without resource-greedy garbage collection. Offering freedom from a runtime requirement, a rich type system, a...
Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly
Blazor is a framework for creating SPA webpages with either client-side or server-side architectures, using Razor technology written with the C# language. Because client-side Blazor with WebAssembly executes entirely on a user's browser, it's very fast for many applications. In Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly, Michael Washington will take r...
Azure DevOps Succinctly
The complexity of software development requires coordination and collaboration between all teams involved to guarantee that the client - whether a customer or another team in-house - is satisfied. DevOps is one strategy for achieving successful development, testing, and deployment, and Microsoft Azure provides a collection of tools and services tha...
AngularDart Succinctly
AngularDart is an open-source, web app framework created by Google that combines the power of Angular with the Dart programming language, focusing on productivity, performance, and stability. Google has used it to build and run many of its mission-critical web apps that generate much of its revenue. In AngularDart Succinctly, Ed Freitas will show r...
Real-Time ASP.NET Core 3 Apps with SignalR Succinctly
The ASP.NET Core SignalR library is open source and allows developers to simplify adding real-time web functionality to applications. This means that the server-side code can instantly push content to connected clients. In Real-Time ASP.NET Core 3 Apps with SignalR Succinctly, Dirk Strauss will show you how to use it to create a chat application wi...
Learning React Native
React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is an unofficial and free React Native ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning Node.js
Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O framework that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client, as well as on server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching. It is open-...
Learning MongoDB
Data in the world started to grow tremendously after mobile application came in the market. This huge amount of data became almost impossible to handle with traditional relational database - SQL. NoSQL databases are introduced to handle those data where much more flexibility came like variable number of columns for each data. MongoDB is one of the ...
Learning jQuery
jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is an unofficial and free jQuery ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overfl...
Learning iOS
iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple. It is an unofficial and free iOS book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning Twitter Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework used to create websites that are created using a mobile-first paradigm as well as responsive web design (RWD). It uses a combination of premade CSS classes and JavaScript to make a variety of things on the web. It includes things such as a custom, responsive grid that allows websites to be viewed i...
Learning Bosun
Bosun is an open-source monitoring and alerting system created by Stack Overflow. It has an expressive domain specific language for evaluating alerts and creating detailed notifications. It also lets you test your alerts against historical data for a faster development experience. It is an unofficial and free Bosun book created for educational p...
Learning SAP ABAP
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a high-level programming language developed by SAP for programming business applications in the SAP environment. It is an unofficial and free SAP ABAP book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking indivi...
Learning HTML5 Canvas
The Canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. Through WebGL it allows 3D shapes and images to be displayed. HTML5 Canvas also helps in making 2D games. It is an unofficial and free HTML5 Canvas book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflo...
Learning .NET EPPlus
EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel files using the Office Open XML format (xlsx). It is an unofficial and free .NET EPPlus book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Languages and Worldview
Asking and answering questions about what culture entails and examines the fundamental properties and intertwining nature of language and culture. This text explores linguistic relativity, lexical differences among languages and intercultural communication, including high and low contexts. Changes to a variety of OER works were made by Manon Allar...
Naval Leadership in the Atlantic World
The naval leader has taken centre stage in traditional naval histories. However, while the historical narrative has been fairly consistent the development of various navies has been accompanied by assumptions, challenges and competing visions of the social characteristics of naval leaders and of their function. Whilst leadership has been a constant...
Cross-Media Communications
This text is an introduction to the future of mass media and mass communications - cross-media communications. Cross-media is explained through the presentation and analysis of contemporary examples and project-based tutorials in cross-media development. The text introduces fundamental terms and concepts, and provides a solid overview of cross-medi...
A Poetics of Plot for the Twenty-First Century
Story, in the largest sense of the term, is arguably the single most important aspect of narrative. But with the proliferation of antimimetic writing, traditional narrative theory has been inadequate for conceptualizing and theorizing a vast body of innovative narratives. In A Poetics of Plot for the Twenty-First Century: Theorizing Unruly Narrativ...
Engaging Researchers with Data Management
Effective Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research, and its importance is increasingly emphasised by funding bodies, governments, and research institutions around the world. However, many researchers are unfamiliar with RDM best practices, and research support staff are faced with the difficu...
Bishops in Flight
Flight during times of persecution has a long and fraught history in early Christianity. In the third century, bishops who fled were considered cowards or, worse yet, heretics. On the face, flight meant denial of Christ and thus betrayal of faith and community. But by the fourth century, the terms of persecution changed as Christianity became the f...
Seeing Theory
Statistics is quickly becoming the most important and multi-disciplinary field of mathematics. According to the American Statistical Association, statistician is one of the top ten fastest-growing occupations and statistics is one of the fastest-growing bachelor degrees. Statistical literacy is essential to our data driven society. Despite the ...
Everything Flows
Everything Flows explores the metaphysical thesis that the living world is not made up of substantial particles or things, as has often been supposed, but is rather constituted by processes. The biological domain is organised as an interdependent hierarchy of processes, which are stabilized and actively maintained at different timescales. Even enti...
Text Genetics in Literary Modernism and Other Essays
This collection of essays from world-renowned scholar Hans Walter Gabler contains writings from a decade and a half of retirement spent exploring textual criticism, genetic criticism, and literary criticism. In these sixteen stimulating contributions, he develops theories of textual criticism and editing that are inflected by our advance into the d...
Transforming Trauma
Have you ever looked deep into the eyes of an animal and felt entirely known? Often, the connections we share with non-human animals represent our safest and most reliable relationships, offering unique and profound opportunities for healing in periods of hardship. This book focuses on research developments, models, and practical applications of hu...
JavaScript for impatient programmers
This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible. Highlights: - Get started quickly, by initially focusing on modern features. - Test-driven exercises and quizzes available for most chapters. - Covers all essential features of JavaScript, up to and including ES2020...
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook
Python is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython and the associated Jupyter Notebook offer efficient interfaces to Python for data analysis and interactive visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform. IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, 2nd Edition ...
Coding with Minecraft
You've mined for diamonds, crafted dozens of tools, and built all sorts of structures - but what if you could program robots to do all of that for you in a fraction of the time? In Coding with Minecraft, you'll create a virtual robot army with Lua, a programming language used by professional game developers. Step-by-step coding project...
Guide to NoSQL with Azure Cosmos DB
Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service included in Azure that is continuously adding new features and has quickly become one of the most innovative services found in Azure, targeting mission-critical applications at a global scale. This book starts off by showing you the main features of Cosmos DB, their supported NoSQL data models and the foundatio...
How To Code in Node.js
Node.js is a popular open-source runtime environment that can execute JavaScript outside of the browser. The Node runtime is commonly used for back-end web development, leveraging its asynchronous capabilities to create networking applications and web servers. Node is also a popular choice for building command line tools. In this book, you will ...
How To Manage Remote Servers with Ansible
This book is designed to introduce you to using Ansible to manage your servers. You'll learn how to install and configure Ansible on a control node, and then how to use it to configure and run commands on remote servers. You'll also learn how to collect tasks into complete Playbooks to automate server setup from start to finish. The to...
Object-oriented Programming in C#
This is a teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#. It is assumed, as a prerequisite, that the readers have some knowledge about imperative programming, preferably knowledge about C. I believe that it is best to learn object-oriented programming after having learned and worked w...

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