Book Description
This book is directed toward students for whom mathematical statistics is or will become an important part of their lives. Obviously, such students should be able to work through the details of 'hard' proofs and derivations. In addition, students at this level should acquire, or begin acquiring, a deep appreciation for the field, including its historical development and its relation to other areas of mathematics and science generally.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Probability Theory
Chapter 2
Distribution Theory and Statistical Models
Chapter 3
Basic Statistical Theory
Chapter 4
Bayesian Inference
Chapter 5
Unbiased Point Estimation
Chapter 6
Statistical Inference Based on Likelihood
Chapter 7
Statistical Hypotheses and Confidence Sets
Chapter 8
Nonparametric and Robust Inference
Chapter 9
Statistical Mathematics
Appendix A
Important Probability Distributions
Appendix B
Useful Inequalities in Probability
Appendix C
Notation and Definitions
Book Details
Theory of Statistics
Science and Mathematics
George Mason University
PDF Size
6.7 MB

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