Computer ScienceScience & MathematicsEconomics & FinanceBusiness & ManagementPolitics & GovernmentHistoryPhilosophy
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning, one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence, is a computational approach to learning whereby an agent tries to maximize the total amount of reward it receives while interacting with a complex, uncertain environment. In Reinforcement Learning, Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto provide a clear and simple acc...
Azure Cognitive Services Succinctly
Azure Cognitive Services puts the power of AI and machine learning into the hands of software developers without requiring a PhD or years of experience in the field. With Azure Cognitive Services Succinctly, author Ed Freitas delivers an accessible guide to integrating computer vision, decision-making, speech, and more into your applications to giv...
.NET Framework Notes for Professionals
The .NET Framework Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
Algorithms Notes for Professionals
The Algorithms Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
AngularJS Notes for Professionals
The AngularJS Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
C# Notes for Professionals
The C# Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
A Case Study in Community-Driven Software Adoption
Within an SRE organization, teams usually develop very different automation tools and processes for accomplishing similar tasks. Some of this can be explained by the software they support: different systems require different reliability solutions. But many SRE tasks are essentially the same across all software: compiling, building, deploying, canar...
Istio Succinctly
Istio is one of the most popular solutions for service meshes in cloud-native infrastructures, and it is most often deployed on Kubernetes clusters. In Istio Succinctly, authors Rahul Rai and Tarun Pabbi provide a practical guide to getting started with Istio, from setting up a Kubernetes cluster, to managing its traffic management, security, obser...
Ionic 4 Succinctly
Ionic 4 takes the original Ionic toolkit from a mobile-centric framework based on Angular to a powerful, web-based UI design system and app-development toolset that is JavaScript-framework agnostic. The increased performance of Ionic 4 components makes the framework ideal for developing progressive web apps (PWAs), which are in high demand and popu...
NuGet In-House Succinctly
The NuGet package manager is an exceptional tool for sharing and distributing tools and code to other developers, but what do you do when you want to keep your code within your organization? In NuGet In-House Succinctly, author José Roberto Olivas Mendoza guides readers through the process of setting up a local NuGet server, creating a distributab...
Deploying Windows 10
Get a head start deploying Windows 10 - with tips and best practices from experts in the field. This guide shows you how to deploy Windows 10 in an automated way without impacting end users by leveraging System Center Configuration Manager, which is the most used product to deploy Microsoft operating systems in the industry today. Windows 10 rep...
Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid
Microsoft SharePoint hybrid deployments are rapidly becoming popular with Microsoft's investments on increased SharePoint productivity, not only in your own environment (on-premises) but also collaborating in new ways through the largest and most advanced cloud service platform in the world - Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure. SharePoin...
Haskell Notes for Professionals
The Haskell Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
Introductory Statistics
Introductory Statistics follows scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester introduction to statistics course and is geared toward students majoring in fields other than math or engineering. The text assumes some knowledge of intermediate algebra and focuses on statistics application over theory. Introductory Statistics includes innovative pr...
Visual Studio 2019 Succinctly
Visual Studio 2019 is the new release of Microsoft's premiere development environment, which follows cross-platform paradigms and uses a plethora of programming languages and frameworks. Visual Studio 2019 Succinctly describes what's new in VS2019 from the point of view of the IDE. It covers the improved installation experience, new produ...
Hibernate Notes for Professionals
The Hibernate Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
Laravel 5 Official Documentation
A free ebook version of the Laravel 5.x Official Documentation...
The JavaScript Way
Love it or hate it, JavaScript is avidly eating the world of software development. From web sites and apps to servers, smartphones and connected objects, JavaScript is everywhere. It has evolved from a niche scripting tool crafted in a few days into a modern, multi-purpose language sitting on top of a rich ecosystem and a vibrant developer communit...
MATLAB Notes for Professionals
The MATLAB Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
How To Code in Python 3
Extremely versatile and popular among developers, Python is a good general-purpose language that can be used in a variety of applications. For those with an understanding of English, Python is a very humanreadable programming language, allowing for quick comprehension. Because Python supports multiple styles including scripting and object-oriented ...
A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography
Cryptography is an indispensable tool used to protect information in computing systems. It is used everywhere and by billions of people worldwide on a daily basis. It is used to protect data at rest and data in motion. Cryptographic systems are an integral part of standard protocols, most notably the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, making ...
Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
This is a book on the functional paradigm in general. We'll use the world's most popular functional programming language: JavaScript. Some may feel this is a poor choice as it's against the grain of the current culture which, at the moment, feels predominately imperative. That said, typed functional languages will, without a doubt...
Modern C
Modern C focuses on the new and unique features of modern C programming. The book is based on the latest C standards and offers an up-to-date perspective on this tried-and-true language. C is extraordinarily modern for a 50-year-old programming language. Whether you're writing embedded code, low-level system routines, or high-performance ap...
SAT/SMT by Example
SAT/SMT solvers can be viewed as solvers of huge systems of equations. The difference is that SMT solvers takes systems in arbitrary format, while SAT solvers are limited to boolean equations in CNF 1 form. A lot of real world problems can be represented as problems of solving system of equations....
The AI Ladder
The processes for gathering, organizing, analyzing, and ultimately infusing AI throughout your organization can be thought of as a ladder. A ladder helps you climb far higher than you could go on your own by turning an impossible leap into a series of steps. Knowing what the ladder looks like helps you evaluate your organization's readiness fo...
Electron Succinctly
Developing web apps can be made more difficult by the fact that they do not easily or natively run in desktop environments. This can make a variety of development skills useless, reducing the amount of expertise even the best developers can bring to a project and increasing the workload for producing cross-platform apps. But with the Electron frame...
Natural Language Processing Succinctly
AI assistants represent a significant frontier for development. But the complexities of such systems pose a significant barrier for developers. In Natural Language Processing Succinctly, author Joseph Booth will guide readers through designing a simple system that can interpret and provide reasonable responses to written English text. With this fou...
3D Game Development with LWJGL 3
This book will introduce the main concepts required to write a 3D game using the LWJGL 3 library. LWJGL is a Java library that provides access to native APIs used in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications. This library leverages the high performance of native OpenGL applications while us...
Street-Fighting Mathematics
In problem solving, as in street fighting, rules are for fools: do whatever works - don't just stand there! Yet we often fear an unjustified leap even though it may land us on a correct result. Traditional mathematics teaching is largely about solving exactly stated problems exactly, yet life often hands us partly defined problems needing only...
Writing Native Mobile Apps in a Functional Language Succinctly
In Implementing a Custom Language Succinctly, Succinctly series author Vassili Kaplan demonstrated how to create a customized programming language. Now, he returns to showcase how you can use that language to build fully functional mobile apps. In Writing Native Mobile Apps in a Functional Language Succinctly, you will build off the skills you'...
HoloLens Succinctly
Microsoft's HoloLens applications exist in the ever-expanding realm of mixed reality. In HoloLens Succinctly, author Lars Klint guides readers into the various segments of this augmented world, outlining the architecture of HoloLens apps, exploring code and design issues, and offering step-by-step instruction on inputting data so that users ca...
Ionic Succinctly
The Ionic framework is an open-source SDK built on top of Angular, integrating with Apache Cordova, and programmed using mostly Typescript and the JSON data format. It is used to build cross-platform mobile apps and Progressive Web Apps with ease, using familiar web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. In Ionic Succinctly, Ed Freitas takes ...

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